Sunday, March 29, 2009


this post is way overdue.

if you didn't know this already, i've been working very hard for some india documentary for school. i was at school 7 days a week for at least 10 hours a day... most of which was sitting on my ass, in front of a computer screen, color correcting or toning.

anyways... i was in desperate need for a break.

so when break week rolled around (3/1-3/7) i knew i had to get away.

i called my partner in crime (alexandria cesena, duh), and we decided that we have to get out of this fucking black hole of boring day-to-day bulllllllshit and do some exploring. honestly, we both just needed a little change of scenery.

i kidnapped jeffjohns and smurphy, alex got the escalade, and we headed to SAN FRAN for some bad decisions and good times.

oh, and a little photography, of course.

so on the way to sf... another car called 911 on us for supposed reckless driving.

we just got a warning... but funny as hell. yeah yeah, alex was doing some interesting manoeuvers with her car through traffic, but was it really bad enough to CALL THE POLICE?? i think not.

then we arrived...
48 hours in san francisco: reflection.

exactly what i needed...

indian food; bars; bad decisions; drunk; explore; lasagna; sleep; wake up; shoot; market; chinatown; chinese food; the wharf; sourdough and tomato soup; the haight; nap; thai food; bar hopping; shots; drunk; watch alex jump for at least an hour straight; bad decisions; pass out; wake up; drive home; success.

in other words


i love us.


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