until i get my camera back from alexandria cesena, i'm not going to post about the openings. give it a few days.... :)
SO i haven't blogged much in the past 2 months, but i often write down random thoughts that go through my head.
here are a few of my favorites that i jotted down in the past 2 months, in no particular order:
"I know that i've said if i had any super power that it would be very similar to Rogue from xmen... but lately i want the power to be invisible. NOT to spy on people, relax, i'm not that nosy. . . but to mess with people. i like confusion and awkwardness, and i would truly enjoy popping in and out of sight to freak people out."
"i don't believe in love at first sight... but i do believe you're an idiot if you do."
"i'm not a romantic, but that doesn't mean i don't enjoy romance. hint, hint." (i don't know who i'm hinting here... but that's what i wrote on march 16th)
"where the hell are all of the dorky, funny, socially awkward men? Do they all hang out at a secret location that i'm not invited to? what the hell."
"machine work. i feel like i've been programed....LIKE A ROBOT. does that mean i'm missing a heart? no, brain? i should really watch that movie again."
"street fighter 2, donkey kong country, and mario kart for super nintendo, THEN mario kart 64 and super smash bros for nintendo 64... next rainy day."
"kill your babies!" (not real human babies, relax... i'm referring to pictures)
"i want to go hiking."
"cunt demon." (i'm not joking, look...)

"don't you hate it when you have 20 "friends" that are online, but you don't want to chat with any of them? quite frankly, myspace and now facebook needs to rewrite the definition for "friends," or at least come up with a new title for the majority of people you let read your status bullshit and see pictures of you.
"the people i want to be associated with because it makes me feel better about myself"
"the people i feel too guilty to not accept as a 'friend' because we had one class in middle school together.""
(i was a bit angry that day?)
"that's my job.. fucking with young people's minds." (PMM)
"i'm not afraid of being someone you don't like."
"how do you fall in lust? anyone?"
"sometimes, i really truly wish i was a lesbian." (uhhhhhh, yeah.. i wrote that.)
(just) "ragamuffin girls."
"happiness is only real when shared.
anyone want to share?"
"can a day go by where i don't have to try so hard to not be clumsy or embarrassing? really??? really."
"I think god enjoys laughing at me."
i should probably see a shrink.
