My first picture of India turned out really cool. With my fisheye, i took a picture out the window of the plane right before we landed. It's my favorite picture right now because it became a self portrait...

We exit the plane at 2AM and it's very different already. Hot and a little humid, it was really the smell that i first noticed. Not necessarily bad, just different. Immediately i was ridiculously excited to start shooting! This trip is going to be amazing! I already was warned by immigration about taking pictures, but i really cant help it! I'M SOO EXCITED!

We meet our drivers and they just throw our luggage on top of their vans. i start freaking out because i have about $10,000 dollars worth of equipment in my one bag! I'm waiting for something bad to happen, and i so thought it was going to be something with my bag... but nothing yet. Anyways, the drivers here honk all of the time. i thought our driver was doing that just for fun, but all of the cars were constantly honking! it's kind of scary, but fun.
Our hotel is really cool. I think the pictures will explain. The bathroom is kind of funny, but it could be worse. We have a gecko living in our room with us. His name is Pupert. i didn't name him.
Now, I just got back from buying a cell phone... it was quite the hassle. Trying to get 9 Americans cell phones is very exhausting. My phone number is 900 319 7258... i'm expecting some random texting.
The food here is good. My body is all weirded out so i'm barely eating, but everything tastes good! i'm only spending like $2-$4 American dollars on each meal. Not too shabby.
We walked around today and I wasn't as overwhelmed as i thought i would be. The only thing that's getting to me is the jet lag and heat. Don't get me wrong, India is completely different than the US, i just thought i would be in total and utter culture shock. I guess i prepared more than i thought.
So i had more pictures to post, but my adviser said that we shouldn't give the goods away! I'm kind of bummed, but i will post a few later.
My internet is sucky here, but i will do my best to post as much as possible. I will limit my self to 3 images of serious stories per post. I will continue to post silly non-important images thru out, i'm sure!
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