So my adviser, Paul PapaSmurf Myers, just emailed the entire crew basically telling us to stop posting all of our images! He's, we need people to be surprised when we get back, or why would people come to our show?
So i'm limiting myself to 3-5 pictures a post.... unless they are funny group shots. That's right, just a taste of what i got. It's going to kill me, but if you want to see more, you're going to have to buy the book, DVD, and come to our gallery openings (April 2, 2009 in Santa Barbara).
I also found out that we're still doing presales. If you have any love for photography, or me, you will buy a presale! It's $40 for a book/DVD combo. This is a good deal because when we get back, the price for just the book will be $45 and DVD will be about $25. Below is a jpeg of the presale form. All the information needed is there, but be sure to write my name, Amanda Reyes aka Amandar Reytard (somehow that has become my nickname here), on the form!
So click it, print it, fill it out, mail it in. NOW!!! *that means you justin... you promised before i left!

So i'll leave you now with this...
November 5. 2008 (In Chennai it was November 5th, in the US it was November 4. 2008)
Taj Hotel, Chennai, Madras, India.
The US Consulate General held an even at the Taj Coromandal Hotel in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, for the US Presidential election. When my group found out about it, we were excited, but didn't expect what we saw.
Red, white and blue decorations everywhere. There was a mock voting booth along with human size cut-outs of John McCain and
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Tons and tons of students showed up... the place was packed with a line out the door and around the corner to get in. We interviewed the students and they knew all about the policies that were debated about between the two candidates. Unfortunately, when the students asked us about the election in India, we had no clue what was going on. 5 students covered this story, and we've already started to put together a multimedia video about it. It is AMAZING.
The Taj

This was right before the results were read... packed.

Everyone was anticipating the results.

I was in India, with goosebumps, when i first heard that Barack Obama was elected to be the President of the United States of America. It was my first time ever voting in a Presidential Election... and i'm so happy that my candidate won.
While we were there, we were interviewed by the local newspapers, and made it into a few. Stephanie, Adam, and I were all quoted in different newspapers. Check it out
i'm famous.
haha jk.
That's all for now... have i mentioned that i'm sick? Well, Adam's been sick for like 6 days and passed it along to me. i don't think it's anything too serious, just a cold with a fever. I went to the doctors yesterday and they gave me medicine, and i think it's working....
Anyways, i just downloaded the new episodes of the office, so i'm going to watch them while i try to get better so i can go out and shoot later!
until next time.....